The Brave New JavaScript: Better Strings

December 03, 2018

2 minute read

Wow, I'm only a few days into learning how much JavaScript changed in 2015 with the release of ES2015, but I am already excited.

My First Sad Try

When I first tried to learn ReactJS this last summer, I was shocked at how much basic syntax I did not recognize. I made the mistake of attending a workshop on React without knowing any of this new syntax. The instructor kept talking about arrow functions, object destructuring, and all kinds of other terms that I did not recognize. I was so lost. It was really disheartening. emoji-crying_cat_face

I felt like an impostor. It seemed that I had stepped into a Brave New World, and I was trapped in a code dystopia that made me feel like an Epsilon.

My Revelation

I had a revelation though. I had to approach this brave new JavaScript like it was a totally new language. I decided to try out Colt Steel's Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy, and lo and behold, the course has a ReactJS pathway and a prerequisite to the actual React content is first learning and mastering ES2015.

As a result, I'll be highlighting a lot of my ES2015 learnings in the next few weeks on this blog.

Template Strings

As an example of the brave new world, JavaScript now supports a common feature in other languages: string interpolation! Of course, JavaScript had to give it its own name: template strings. This primarily makes string concatenation easier as well as adds support for multiline strings. The important thing to remember is that you have to use the backtick ` character in place of a quotation mark.

Here's how we used to do things:

var firstName = "Rand"
var lastName = "al'Thor"
var announcement = "I am the Lord of the Morning, my name is " + firstName + " of house " + lastName

Saving those plus signs (they're endangered! we've got way more backticks to spare):

var firstName = "Rand"
var lastName = "al'Thor"
var announcement = `I am the Lord of the Morning, my name is ${firstName} of house ${lastName}`

Isn't that a lot nicer?

And here's a multi-line example of a String:


What other String functions have they included in ES2015?


Returns 'true' if a value is found inside of a String, which is easier than using indexOf

// Old way
"batman".indexOf("man") > -1 // true
// New way
"batman".includes("man") // true

Come and join me on my journey to become a coding Alpha and conquer this brave new JavaScript.

Here's a quick additional freebie on numbers:


This is a short cut way to tell if a number is Not a Number (NaN):

function checkIfNumber(val) {
    if (Number.isFinite(val)) {
        return "It's a number!"